2015年5月4日 星期一


regular AR
cantar = to sing
bailar = to dance
mandar = to send
lavar = to wash
practicar = to practice
trabajar = to work
conversar = to talk
hablar= to speak
mirar = to see
llegar = to arrive
limpiar = to clean
celebrar = to celebrate
fumar = to smoke
tocar = to touch/play
guardar = to save
ahorrar = to save
gastar = to spend
viajar = to travel
entrar = to enter
visitar = to visit
tomar = to take
coleccionar = to collect
pagar = to pay
invitar = to invite
cocinar = to cook
pasar = to pass
abandonar = to abandon
cenar = to dine
disfrutar = to enjoy
necesitar = to necessary
desayunar = to breakfast
cuidar = to take care
pintar = to paint
caminar = to walk
comprar = to buy
regular ER
vender = to sell
beber = to drink
esconder = to hide
leer = to read
creer = to believe
meter = to put
correr = to run
aprender = to learn
comprender = to understand
comer = to eat
regular IR
vivir = to live
asistir = to attend
recibir = to receive
admitir = to admit
escribir = to write
discutir = to discuss
subir = to upload
abrir = to open
sufrir = to suffer
irregular primera persona singular
poner = to put
hacer = to do/make
traer = to wear/bring
salir = to leave
cer o cir (irregular primera persona singular)
parecer = to look like
ofrecer = to offer
conocer = to know
traducir = to translate
producir = to produce
conducir = to lead
saber = to know
querer = to want
entender = to understand
cerrar = to close
empezar = to begin
despertar = to awake
merendar = to snack
defender = to defend
pensar = to think
perder = to lose
encender = to ???
preferir = to prefer
sentir = to feel
mentir = to lie
sugerir = to suggest
poder = to can
probar = to test
contar = to count
recordar = to remember
volver = to return
devolvee = to return
mostrar = to show
mover = to move
almorzar = to lunch
encontrar = to find
costar = to cost
envolver = to wrap
morir = to die
dormir = to sleep
morder = to bite
jugar = to play
tener = to have
venir = to come
pedir = to ask
servir = to serve
medir = to measure
renir = to fight
repetir = to repeat
sonreir = to smile
reir = to laugh
despedir = to dismiss
impedir = to prevent
freir = to fry
seguir = to follow
decir = to say

